Call for Abstacts

The Texas Center for Health Disparities invites researchers and community organizations to present their work at the 18th Annual Conference titled Engaging the Whole Person to Address Health Disparities (June 8 - 9, 2023). We hope this conference will bring together stakeholders from various disciplines to encourage conversations on this topic and promote future collaborations.  

If interested, please use the link below to submit your abstract. The abstract submission form is divided into two tracks: Scientific Research and Community Programs. You will be able to select your track and proceed with the submission accordingly.  

Accepted presenters will be asked to present a poster to be showcased during the conference. Abstracts will be housed in an online portal and will be available to view throughout the conference. 3 posters will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd place toward the end of day 1.  Additional details will be sent to you in your acceptance letter.

We sincerely hope you will consider submitting your work!

Important Submission Dates

March 15, 2023
Abstract submissions open

May 26, 2023
Last day to submit an abstract

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